Now, over at that other blog, there was a problem with abusive and otherwise inappropriate comments. They were spending increasing amounts of time dealing with anonymous commenters, and were unable to tell who was who. (Although Robert Stevens, the Santa Claus of birthers, claims he can see your IP address, knows who's been naughty and who's been nice, and knows where sitting ducks ... errr ... sit.)
Of course, they are right; there is a problem with the abusive comments. Let's take a little trip down memory lane, shall we, children?:
From Gort: "But Obimbeciles are not interested in preserving the Constitution or looking at the horrific information we do know about him." (Obimbeciles? Obmeciles? Obameciles? All are clunky.)
From : BerlinBerlin: "Oh Yeah, the sense of humor is definelety on the Obots side." (And: "The kind of Obot humor we know.") ("Obot" is like "I, Robot"; considering how crappy that movie was, this is quite the putdown.)
From Rovingpatrol: "Keep the pressure up. I see your making the Obamabots nervous." (Private to Rovingpatrol: "Obamabots" is stepping on your own joke; stick with "Obots".)
From Robert Stevens: "But Anonymous, you are clearly just a jerk and your vile threats deserve nothing but contempt." ("... and several gassy responses, and perhaps a few veiled threats of my own, I mean.")
From BerlinBerlin: "The white trash version of Hitlerjugend aka Obot bloggers don't even deserve a response." ("Other than this response, I mean. And don't make me unleash Robert Stevens on you!")
From: Orly Taitz: "I don't pay attention to Obama scum." (Not to get all technical on you, Dear Leader of the Revolution, but your statement kinda disproves itself.)
From Roving Patrol: "The Obamabots are only doing what their leader ordered them to do. 'Get in their face' They have no answers. Only insults." (Quoted in full for maximum ironic value.)
From Angie: "John Kyl is a disgrace. A total scumball." (That's Senator Scumball, to you.)
From Gort: "Please don't let these cowardly commenters upset you.They are Obimbeciles." (Nope; still clunky.)
From Gort: "The zobamabies will not understand them,because they are in ecstatic religious throes of praise and worship." (Gort, "zobamabies" is even clunkier! Zobambies, man, or maybe zObambies! Word play is not your forte, or fobamarte, as you would say.)
From Gort: "Anonymous,it's getting near that time to get the tinfoil out and then pray to your Hanuman monkey god." (Given Gort's rather limited flirtation with reality, it is unclear if he understands the ramifications of comparing a black person to a monkey -- even if that monkey is a monkey god.)
From Robert Stevens: "You are not only ignorant and have nothing constructive to contribute, but you are a troll as well. DNFTT." ("DNFTT"? How 20th Century retro!)
From Robert Stevens: "You are clearly just a mindless troll. DNFTT." (Ahhh, this must be a "go-to" line, a la "Up your nose with a rubber hose!")
... So, clearly, the problem with the abusive comments was there was not enough of them.
Having the temerity to disagree with Robert Stevens earns you the label "troll". (Oh! It stings!) (Orly Taitz, DDS, ESQ., is so busy single handedly saving America from, well, America, she only has time for the occasional "Obama scum!" or "Obot".) If they could only spend less time moderating comments, they would have more time to make kind of comments they complain about!
Robert Stevens even omniously foretells, "Well "Anonymous" why are you afraid to have an ID? We are probably going to be cracking down on this kind of post." A commenter had the gall to link to an article proving the lack of factual basis and legal basis for a post, without insult, and is warned about an impending crackdown. Dissent is not tolerated; L’État c’est Robert Stevens.
You see, they have no problem publishing insulting or degrading comments provided they insult anyone who isn't completely in the birther movement. But why should they? Their entire site is insulting (to your intelligence) and degrading, what with the literal comparisons of Obama to Hitler, the presumed arrogance in knowing more about the U.S. Constitution than those elected or appointed to constitutionally created offices, or implying that if you believe hard enough that Obama isn't really the next president then the federal laws no longer apply to you!
Really, it is only a sin over there to point out the rather obvious mistakes in logic, to note the lack of factual basis for their claims, to correct the improper reading of their legal "authorities", to remark upon the fantastical nature of conspiracy required to make their various and sundry hypotheses bear out, and to take an occasional potshot at the butchering of the English language in documents that are to be submitted to this nation's highest court. Those kind of shenanigans force (force!, you uncaring bastards!) the saints of this movement to go out of their way to install a free Blogger gadget. OH THE HUMANITY!!!!!!!!!
So, please, Team Orly, please don't practice what you preach. It is so much more entertaining this way.
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